
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Deadlocks vs Race Conditions

A deadlock occurs when each of two threads tries to lock a resource the other has already locked. Neither thread can make any further progress.

Many methods of the managed threading classes provide time-outs to help you detect deadlocks. For example, the following code attempts to acquire a lock on the current instance. If the lock is not obtained in 300 milliseconds, Monitor.TryEnter returns false

if (Monitor.TryEnter(lockObject, 300)) {
    try {
        // Place code protected by the Monitor here.
    finally {
else {
    // Code to execute if the attempt times out.
Race Conditions
A race condition is a bug that occurs when the outcome of a program depends on which of two or more threads reaches a particular block of code first. Running the program many times produces different results, and the result of any given run cannot be predicted.

A simple example of a race condition is incrementing a field. Suppose a class has a private static field (Shared in Visual Basic) that is incremented every time an instance of the class is created, using code such as objCt++; (C#) or objCt += 1 (Visual Basic). This operation requires loading the value from objCt into a register, incrementing the value, and storing it in objCt.

In a multithreaded application, a thread that has loaded and incremented the value might be preempted by another thread which performs all three steps; when the first thread resumes execution and stores its value, it overwrites objCt without taking into account the fact that the value has changed in the interim.


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